For Divers by Divers…

ISN’T THE RAID WATCHWORD TRUE OF ALL AGENCIES? One of our shareholders was recently asked to respond to a dive instructor who questioned our call to join Dive RAID International because it’s an agency built by divers for divers. He claimed that statement is “verbose [sic] and a claim to exclusivity that needs some validation and verification.” Challenge accepted! Our shareholder wrote back: “Thanks for your question! While it’s true that many agencies have been founded by divers, what makes RAID different is that our philosophy and operations are driven entirely by divers, for the benefit of divers. “Unlike some agencies where business or corporate interests tend to influence decisions, at RAID, everything from course development to instructor support is shaped by active, experienced divers who understand the needs of the community firsthand. “Our goal isn’t just to certify divers; it’s to enhance the entire diving experience through constant innovation, flexibility, and by putting divers at the heart of what we do. That’s the difference we stand by!” In the proverbial nutshell, our shareholder summed up EXACTLY what RAID is all about. If she’s had more space, she might have added, all that and everything related to following a skills-based, inclusive approach to training and doing business that seeks to bring value and positive change to the dive industry. And if that sounds like your kind of outfit… WHY NOT JOIN US!?
Renewals For Members 2023
Dear member: thank you for your support, and thank you for helping us to make 2023 so successful. This year, we have tried to make renewing your professional status easier than ever… READ HOW BELOW. And of course, Zero FEe-Membership really helps to make the process pain-free… we’re happy to help there too. QUESTIONS: CONTACT YOUR REGIONAL OFFICE HERE>>> or EMAIL ADMIN HERE>>> If you are not currently a professional member of RAID, CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE WINNING TEAM, AND START SAVING MONEY>>>