RAID is constantly growing and turning more divers and wannabe divers on to the fun, comfort and safety of diving The RAID Way™. And occasionally we get to welcome old friends and dive buddies into the “family.”
We’re so happy to let the diving community know that RAID Germany is now fully online. Stefano Stolfa (RAID Italia, one of the partners at DRI, and a senior Examiners (in center in photo)), recently worked with long-time RAID instructor-trainer Robert Lange (on right in photo above), and “new boy” Uwe Rath (left in photo) to upgrade their teaching status with the agency.
Robert is now a full RRO for Deutschland (info@raid-deutschland.de), and will be responsible for professionals’ support and growth of the brand in that region. Uwe, who has been prominent in both recreational and technical diving communities in the Dominican Republic as well as in Europe, is now a RAID Examiner with a particular interest in helping to grow RAID’s professional network in Germany.
We expect RAID’s newest RRO will be running instructor programs as well as professional crossovers asap. Contact Robert for details and schedules. Between us, we are making it easier to join RAID in bringing positive change to the dive industry.

Beautiful classroom facilities, and 8 degrees at 18 metres for gas sharing drills!