If you’ve ever wondered if it’s it just Corporate EGO that makes RAID tell people we’re bringing positive change to the dive industry? Or if The RAID Way™ is just a catchy slogan and nothing more, RAID’s owners… divers just like you… would like you to understand what being a leader with impact and influence means to us. Then, you can decide if we’re a good fit for you.
- At RAID, certifications are earned, never bought. This is true from the greenest open-water student to an experienced pro working on her CCR Cave, 100 metre instructor-trainer trainer ticket. We don’t ‘pencil-stroke’ RAID certifications. No exceptions.
- RAID is a for-profit company whose primary business is publishing dive manuals and the standards supporting those manuals. That is our core responsibility, and it’s what we sell to our members, and through them, to students.
- We work continuously to keep those materials current and correct. Because everything we do is 100 percent online, whenever edits and changes are made, updates are instant. That’s why we suggest readers always refer to the live, online version of a manual or standard and not whatever they have saved on their hard-drive.
- The agency is owned by divers and experienced industry pros with years in the business. Our shareholders and managers do not answer to a consortium of venture capitalists who couldn’t tell a basking shark from a goldfish. This has several benefits, but the two biggest are we have an excellent idea what our members and students need to know. Secondly, our prices reflect a lean, efficient company.
- Speaking of prices, we sell the keys to life-changing experiences. And those are intangible… the stockroom is always full! What’s astonishing is that every year those keys open new doors… the underwater realm is constantly growing. So are we.
- And finally, we value the safety of our members and our students above all else. We believe that a fun activity — and diving of every description is certainly that — must be a safe as it can possibly be. At safety’s core are standards… the rules of participation. We believe these rules apply to everyone. Again, no exceptions. Which is one reason RAID has the most robust online Quality Assurance System in the industry. Our QAS is automatic, online, and is control that must be satisfied before ANY cert is issued. It protects the student and the instructor. We think it’s unique.