As an Instructor Trainer or Master Instructor Trainer crossing over instructors for other agencies to RAID, you may have run into a minor issue in the past. This is because Instructor Trainers and Master Instructor Trainers couldn’t directly sign off on the Instructor Open Circuit section unless they also had Examiner’s status.

We have fixed this annoying glitch in the system.
You will now find that when you’re conducting a crossover course, you now have the ability to designate yourself as the Instructor Trainer when you are using the Crossover Credit. This simple work around allows you to sign off crossover candidates and complete the process without needing an Examiner.
However, one point to remember: Master Instructor Trainers are still unable to instruct new specialties. If a candidate lacks qualifications like Openwater, Deep, or Nitrox Instructor certifications from another agency, an Instructor Trainer or Examiner will need to assist in teaching these specific Instructor Programs during the crossover process.
And of course, this extra work justifies additional fees.
Any questions, please contact your RRO.