New Training Flowchart

NOVEMBER 2024 UPDATE This updated course listing reflects changes we’ve made to the logical flow of Dive RAID International training progression including the introduction of Nitrox Plus and Decompression Diver. These new courses bridge the distance between Tech and Rec. Dive RAID International promises its members and their students high quality, skills-based instruction that’s always being added to and improved. That’s the nature of technology and at the core of safe, fun, and inclusive diving. That’s The RAID Way™. DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THIS TRAINING FLOWCHART HERE>>>

You Told Us… We Listened!

RAID HAS REARRANGED ITS TECHNICAL DIVING PATHWAY RAID has been helping divers live their dreams since we opened our doors. We’ve lost count of how many students we’ve coached from their first open water cert. to deep trimix CCR and beyond. But times change and the feedback we have been getting asked us to streamline things to reflect what divers making the transition from Rec to Tech are asking for today. And here is the answer to those requests. We’ve shuffled our course outline making it more logical, and better suited to what our students need. The secret behind the shuffle is the addition of a totally new bridging program: NITROX PLUS. DOWNLOAD A PDF OF THIS FLOWCHART HERE>>> VIEW THE MODIFIED TRAINING FLOWCHART HERE>>>

We Know the Way… Just Ask

RAID NAVIGATION SPECIALTY IS “ON SPECIAL” You need to know where it’s at… and where you’re at too. So, your best bet is to signup for a RAID navigation specialty because it’s an essential for any new diver… or older divers who have trouble finding their way home! Underwater navigation involves using various techniques and tools to effectively orient yourself and navigate while diving. Here are some of the key methods and tips for underwater navigation you will learn in RAID’s navigation class: 1. Natural Navigation: 2. Compass Navigation: 3. Dive Planning: 4. Dive Safety: 5. Buoyancy Control: 6. Using Dive Computers: 7. Practice: By mastering these navigation techniques, SCUBA divers can explore underwater environments more safely and effectively while minimizing the risk of getting lost. This RAID specialty is port of our comprehensive core diver experience.

Learning about Twinset diving


RECREATIONAL DIVERS ENJOY THE BENEFITS TOO Diving with two tanks on your back was once part of a sort of right-of-passage for anyone who thought of themself as a budding techdiver. Double tanks (joined by an isolation manifold) where once the exclusive kit configuration for cave and deep wreck divers. But times change and who doesn’t appreciate the extra safety, extra dive time, more stability, and convenience that a twimset can deliver? And with this specialty program, almost anyone can spice up their diving adventures and learn new, valuable skills from the experts. Diving with double tanks, also known as twinset diving was originally a convenient way to increase the breathing gas available to divers for longer dives in either a hard or soft overhead (inside a cave or wreck), or when doing staged decompression dives. It was the norm when divers began to push their adventures beyond the limits of traditional recreational diving. But recreational divers soon realized that the advantages of having backup gas, and plenty of it, was attractive to them also. So, to meet this need, RAID developed its TwinSet Diver Specialty to teach these divers the best, safest, and most appropriate techniques to venture into this type of diving. The course teaches everything a diver needs to know about how to get the most benefit with the least fuss from twinset diving. If you’re looking for a course to challenge you, but also to add something exciting to your diving, RAID’s Twinset Specialty is worth taking a close look at. Advantages of diving with double tanks include:

Crossover Process Streamlined

As an Instructor Trainer or Master Instructor Trainer crossing over instructors for other agencies to RAID, you may have run into a minor issue in the past. This is because Instructor Trainers and Master Instructor Trainers couldn’t directly sign off on the Instructor Open Circuit section unless they also had Examiner’s status. We have fixed this annoying glitch in the system. You will now find that when you’re conducting a crossover course, you now have the ability to designate yourself as the Instructor Trainer when you are using the Crossover Credit. This simple work around allows you to sign off crossover candidates and complete the process without needing an Examiner. However, one point to remember: Master Instructor Trainers are still unable to instruct new specialties. If a candidate lacks qualifications like Openwater, Deep, or Nitrox Instructor certifications from another agency, an Instructor Trainer or Examiner will need to assist in teaching these specific Instructor Programs during the crossover process. And of course, this extra work justifies additional fees. Any questions, please contact your RRO.

RAID Benelux open for business

Growth without quality is a poor strategy for any business, but especially a scuba and freediving agency. So, when we took over the responsibility for Dive RAID International, we promised to make sure when we added people to our team they would be totally committed to bringing positive change to the industry. And that’s why we’re so excited to welcome Jimmy Wuytack, our newest RAID Regional Officer (RRO) to the team. “I am convinced that I am the right person to spread the RAID philosophy in Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg! “RAID’s reputation is innovation, and RAID Benelux will follow that trend, and work with the DRI team to bring success and new life to my region,” he said. RAID staffer, and a member of the agency’s management team, Gianmichele Iaria, explained, “I’ve known Jimmy and Tine for several years and have been lucky enough to watch their enthusiasm and expertise grow and become more and more impressive. “I’m excited to welcome them; it’s great news,and I was honoured to work with them during their transition to becoming our ambassadors for their region. They are a new generation of industry leaders, and I am sure they will do a great job for RAID in the coming months and years.”  Please join us in welcoming Jimmy and Tine to our team! Visit their Facebook page at Dive RAID Benelux and Instagram here>>> Are you interested in joining Dive RAID International? We’re interested in welcoming you regardless of at which level you want to join: diver, dive leader, dive centre or perhaps as an RRO. Simple: contact and we’ll make it happen.

RAID Now Supports ORCA v6 from LUNGFISH

RAID is thrilled tell you about its collaboration with Lungfish Dive Systems, and to introduce a new option to our cutting-edge range of rebreather courses. The Lungfish Dive System blends simplicity with advanced operational capabilities in a compact and flexible unit that’s equally at home in recreational or expedition mode, which sets a new standard in underwater exploration. Lungfish Dive Systems, renowned for their expertise in Closed Circuit Rebreathers (CCR), presents a compact rebreather that redefines convenience and versatility in scuba diving. Lighter and less cumbersome than traditional scuba gear, the Lungfish CCR offers unmatched adaptability, catering to diverse dive and travel preferences. At the heart of this breakthrough is the Lungfish ORCA CCR, designed to deliver superior performance while eliminating the bulkiness associated with traditional SCUBA equipment. Dive enthusiasts can enjoy extended underwater adventures with exceptional freedom of movement. The ORCA CCR’s flexibility makes it the correct “tool” for a long list of dive and travel requirements. “This is such a stunning rebreather. Compact and lightweight, but it’s so really well constructed. It dives, and trims so well, no matter whether you are wetsuit or drysuit diving. And it is so beautiful simple.” Paul Toomer, RAID’s senior training consultant and an instructor-trainer for the Lungfish unit. This remarkable unit boasts state-of-the-art electronics, complemented by failsafe mechanics and robust practicality. Its ergonomic, user-friendly design combines seamless operation with top-tier performance. The low resistance breathing loop guarantees effortless and comfortable breathing, while the efficient scrubber efficiently manages demanding deep-water conditions. For added safety and monitoring, the unit incorporates a solid-state carbon dioxide monitor. To embark on this thrilling rebreather journey, aspiring divers should meet the following prerequisites: Contact your local RAID Dive Centre to find out more about Lungfish Dive Systems!For instructor training, contact: Paul Toomer | Dave Gration | Martin Robson. For diver training in the USA, please contact Sandra Clopp. Already a Lungfish instructor? Easy to cross over your status by completing this form>>>

Opening up Germany

RAID is constantly growing and turning more divers and wannabe divers on to the fun, comfort and safety of diving The RAID Way™. And occasionally we get to welcome old friends and dive buddies into the “family.” We’re so happy to let the diving community know that RAID Germany is now fully online. Stefano Stolfa (RAID Italia, one of the partners at DRI, and a senior Examiners (in center in photo)), recently worked with long-time RAID instructor-trainer Robert Lange (on right in photo above), and “new boy” Uwe Rath (left in photo) to upgrade their teaching status with the agency. Robert is now a full RRO for Deutschland (, and will be responsible for professionals’ support and growth of the brand in that region. Uwe, who has been prominent in both recreational and technical diving communities in the Dominican Republic as well as in Europe, is now a RAID Examiner with a particular interest in helping to grow RAID’s professional network in Germany. We expect RAID’s newest RRO will be running instructor programs as well as professional crossovers asap. Contact Robert for details and schedules. Between us, we are making it easier to join RAID in bringing positive change to the dive industry. Beautiful classroom facilities, and 8 degrees at 18 metres for gas sharing drills!